This course consists of theoretical and practical exercises performed on ship handling simulator, specifically TRANSAS NT-PRO 5000.
The course will cover topics on:
- Review of basic principles
- Familiarization with the Bridge
- Standard maneuvers
- Wind and current effects
- Attitude
- Cultural awareness
- Briefing and Debriefing
- Challenge and Response
- Shallow water effects
- Bank, channel and interaction effects
- Planning
- Authority
- Management on the bridge
- Workload and Stress
- Anchoring and single-buoy mooring
- Human Factor in Error
- Decision making
- Crisis Management
- Planning and carrying-out a voyage in normal and emergency situations
The trainees who successfully complete this course will gain experience in handling ships under various conditions and will make a more effective contribution to the bridge team during ship maneuvering in normal and emergency situations.
In particular, trainees will gain:
- familiarization with the use of engines and helm for ship maneuvering;
- an understanding of the effects on the behavior of the ship of wind, current,
shallow water, banks and narrow channels and condition of loading;
- a greater awareness of the importance of planning a passage or maneuver and the need for an alternative plan;
- a greater understanding and awareness of efficient bridge procedures and bridge teamwork during watchkeeping and ship handling, in normal and emergency situations;
- a greater awareness and understanding of a good interactive communication style and benefit of building up a common shared mental model of the planned passage.
Entry Standards
Masters and Deck Officers who have previously taken SSBT – IMO Model Course 1.22.
This is a Company Specific requirement by Western Shipping Singapore wherein all their seagoing Masters and Deck Officers in the fleet are required to take refresher course if last training was taken more than 5 years.
5 days